If you’re about to start your own business then getting leads from your website is essential then content marketing is the way.  There isn’t anything new in the concept of using content to attract customers, but what’s new is that content is becoming more tactical.

Here’s are 13 tips you shouldn’t ignore.

1.    Define your personas before starting to produce content

content marketing personasThink about personas rather than customers. The aim is to produce content that is compelling, to them.

Look at your best customers, and your most engaged visitors, and figure out what kind of content attracts these people and could transform a visitor into a customer?

2.    Create a style guide

Consistency is important, and this is where a style guide comes in, to ensure that there is a consistent approach to the presentation and formatting of articles across the site.

3.    Carry a notebook

Ideas are all important, and while you might be sitting in front of your laptop when inspiration strikes, it’s just as likely you’ll be sitting on a bus or train.

A notebook is a valuable tool, as it’s vital to make a note of ideas as they come to you.

4.    Learn to reuse and repurpose content

You should think about how your content can be adapted and reused to fit other formats.

For example you could create an infographic, a slide presentation, a video, a webinar, or perhaps a series of tweets.

5.    Aim for evergreen content

While news and news-related content has a distinct shelf life, if you can provide useful content it can continue to perform well over a longer period of time.

There are posts that keep people coming back to the site long after any news content would have lost its appeal.

6.    Gap Analysis

Looking for the gaps on Google is something you should do to identify valuable search positions that you do not currently own, and steer your content in the right direction.

Consider the volume of searches for a particular term. Take a look at the competition, to t figure out the scale of the challenge, and the type of content you should produce.

7.    Make the most of the tools available

google for content marketingThere are some useful content marketing tools out there which take some of the hard work out of content generation.

For example, Google’s Keyword Planner can identify a list of valuable terms and phrases to target in the SERPs.

8.    Be original

This is the only way to stand out. There’s lot of samey content and thinly veiled re-blogging out there, so come up with your own ideas. The way to do this is to use your own voice and your own opinions, rather than regurgitating press releases and white papers. 

There are thousands of marketing blogs out there, and lots of them are just writing the same articles, but the best content is that which is original and cannot be found elsewhere.

9.    Don’t rely on news for your Content Marketing

There’s nothing wrong with reporting on news, but it’s not a strategy that is unlikely to work for most of you. You have to go further than reporting facts and explain why this news is significant for your audience and what they should do about it.

10.  Create readable content 

Readers can still be deterred if an article is badly formatted. Swathes of text with long paragraphs, little formatting, and no images will make most readers leave.

Instead, break up blocks of text with headings and sub-headings, use short paragraphs, highlight key points and stats, and use images and charts, both to illustrate the points you are making, but also to make the article easier to read.

11.   Think about SEO

seo content marketingWhen planning and creating content, think about how you can use SEO to gain more traffic.  As mentioned, identify gaps, but also optimise the terms that bring in the traffic.

12.    It’s about quality not quantity

It’s important to keep the articles coming to give people a reason to keep checking your blog, and to give Google’s spiders some fresh content to crawl, but this shouldn’t be at the expense of quality.

Look at your resources and adapt accordingly. With a small team, it’s better to produce smaller amounts of quality content rather than keeping the numbers up.

13.     Measure and learn

Make sure content performs as well as it possibly can. Use a range of standard and custom Google Analytic reports and dashboards.

Then use the data to experiment with your publishing schedule, and publish articles at the best time for maximum impact.

For further help in understanding what you need to set up your business or move it on to the next level then why not download our FREE eBook from this link >>>